Monday, February 25, 2008

Las Vagas Valley: "I can't believe it! It is so easy!"

We haven't heard the last from Las Vegas Valley, NV. A 32-strong teaching team was in full force this past weekend and is reporting total enrollments 16 total for their first expansion phase, many after hearing Anna's Presentation. Go Las Vegas!

Dearest Friends,

Great joy abounds in Las Vegas! As we end day 2 of our first intensive program of growth (IPG), 11 new believers have declared their belief in Baha'u'llah! This brings our total up to 16, bringing us close to our goal of 24. Today we had four more friends (total of 32), from around the cluster join us, and 12 teams went out into the two neighborhoods in which we taught yesterday.

Late in the afternoon, teams shared heart-warming teaching stories. After one teaching experience, a Baha'i who went out for the first time and carried a newly signed declaration card in his pocket kept saying, "I can't believe it, I can't believe it! It's so easy!"

Tonight our joy knew no end when we received word that a beautiful family had come into the Faith. Several Baha'is had been teaching and nurturing a warm friendship with this Hispanic family of 6 for several months. They all declared their faith in Baha'u'llah tonight after hearing Anna's Presentation during a visit to their home.

Much love and gratitude,

Area Teaching Committee
For the Baha'is of NV-S01

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow guys that is awesome! My parents lived in Vegas for a while and its where I was born and I think its great that the Faith is working its magic there! Keep up the good work =]