Tuesday, April 15, 2008

23 in 3 days declare in Scottsdale's first IPG

Breaking news from Scottsdale, AZ (A), which launched its first intensive program of growth this last Saturday. The results reported by the core team are exciting!

Dearest Baha'i friends,

We have had even greater victories today! Only three days into the expansion phase 23 have declared their faith. What a blessing to be a part of this VIBRANT community!

Saturday: 9 adults & 3 children
Sunday: 8 adults & 3 children
Monday: 6 a
dult & 2 children

Total: 23 adults & 8 children

With prayers, eagerness, excitement, love, and joy a few Baha'i mothers went to south Scottsdale today. They began their journey by revisiting those who asked the Bahais to come back to tell them more about the Bahá’í Faith. The mothers taught the wives and as soon as the husbands got home from work, they taught them as well.

Much love,

Your Core Team

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