Sunday, April 13, 2008

Learning and sharing in Portland

Further news from Portland, OR (A), which has just completed the expansion phase of its first intensive program of growth. One friend shares his/her impressions . . .

Portland finished its expansion phase this afternoon. I think this was a transformatory experience for all participants. It is too fresh an experience to summarize learnings just yet but I can share some general impressions. . . I would expect the Area Teaching Committee to share its own summation from their experience. The work was intense and at the level I think the International Teaching Centre describes as important.

The Area Teaching Committee was exceptionally well-organized and acted decisively in the day-to-day support of the process. This is a high-performing and adaptive ATC. The ATC was right on target on so many of its decisions.

Six adults were enrolled: a man plus five adult women.

There is an extensive list of individuals who seem interested. Several individuals simply walked into the Portland Center and had good conversations. There is an assumption that they will be open to begin a study circle in the neighborhood. A woman said she had always wanted to learn about the Baha'i Faith and she wants to connect with the local believers.

Everyone wants to see the believers nurtured and supported. We plan to meet each new believer and work with them with the hope of inviting them to core activities. We are pleased to have three new Spanish-speaking believers whom we will be visiting soon.

The neighbors commented how they would like to see the Bahá’í Center open more hours. The Local Spiritual Assembly will address this issue.

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