Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Something indeed is in the air!"

Here is a short report from a friend in Broward County, FL (A), who is describing some of his teaching efforts. Two messages are coming through loud and clear: first, the receptivity is there, and second, direct teaching using the skills gained in the institute process is proving effective. That something in the air is learning!

In our cluster, we have been using events such as firesides and other gatherings to support seeker interests and new believers as part of the community. I am hosting study circles and the choir. It seems that one or two people are declaring at every event. What is most remarkable is the level of interest and receptivity we are seeing when talking about the Faith. Something indeed is in the air!

Anna's presentation is great for direct teaching. Another Bahá’í and I visited the home of a seeker recently, and we went through the Anna's presentation with him. At the end we asked him if he wanted to be a Bahá’í. He immediately said yes. We were so surprised we asked him again, "What did you say?" And again he said, "Of course." Since then he has been through the deepening themes in Book 2 and he attends Feasts and firesides, and wants to bring friends to the study circle.

There is nothing like experiencing in person the power of direct teaching using the resources from Book 6 and Anna's Presentation!


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