Thursday, April 10, 2008

Reaching out to closest contacts

Sometimes it’s easy to think of sharing the message of Baha'u'llah only with perfect strangers. And yet, there are receptive souls among those who are most dearly connected to us. These stories from Seattle, WA (A) show the power of reaching out to our closest contacts, i.e., our friends, families, neighbors and coworkers, and need no other introduction . . .

I have some amazing stories of how we need to remember to share teachings with our friends, families, neighbors, and coworkers.

Last night at Feast a teaching team reported that they were getting frustrated by their lack of ability to teach in Spanish when going door-to-door, so they went back to the car and called 15 of their most receptive friends to make plans to share Anna's Presentation. One couple agreed to meet immediately at a restaurant to hear Anna's Presentation. They went through about 3/4 of it and then met the next night to finish the presentation.

These stories are but a few of the amazing things happening when we take the time and courage to teach directly those who have the most contact with us. We are told to be direct and to reach our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers, and it is clear that there is a good reason for this guidance.

Keep up the intensity (and the prayers) - they are obviously working!

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