Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Working together to multiply core activities

One of the key ways of reaching out to our neighbors and sharing the message of Baha'u'llah is through the core activities. All over the country, it is exciting to see these activities take root, sprout, flourish and grow. Here is a brief report from a friend in the Turtle Mountain, ND (C) cluster, where a committed group of believers is working together to multiply core activities and plan their efforts.

Hello everyone, I thought I would email and report the results of the activities in the Turtle Mountain area.

On August 2nd we had a meeting planning for the next three months for the Dunseith community with encouragement from the Regional Bahá’í Council and with the assistance from the Auxiliary Board member. This planning went very well and we are excited to make such a commitment to have some much Bahá’í activity in our area. We had 10 children and youth and 10 adults attend this planning meeting. . . .

The very next day we had a devotional gathering and Bahá’í children’s class, we had 7 adults and 10 youth and children attending this gathering. We have also scheduled a Ruhi study circle once a week; this has been going very well also. We have three new participants in the course, and just recently another Ruhi study circle in another town started with four new participants; this is exciting news.

The Turtle Mountain Pow Wow went very well, we had a lot of visiting Native Bahá’ís from other communities visiting us on that weekend. The sweat lodge ceremonies have been very helpful and are very important to our everyday life and our spiritual growth in the world.

Your brother in Dunseith, ND


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