Monday, July 20, 2009

The learning deepens the second time around

One of the most interesting teaching efforts to study are those clusters that have launched intensive programs of growth and are now on their SECOND cycle. In the first cycle, most of the time the focus of the reports is naturally the joys and delighted surprise of the friends as they discover what it is like to share the Message directly and see with their own eyes the receptivity. But it is in the second cycle that the friends start experiencing more fully some of the other aspects of the IPG, particularly that it is a long-term process. The requirements—and possibilities—that emerge when one looks at things from a long-term view are much vaster than a one-time teaching project. That is what is reflected in this brief report from Kentuckiana, KY (A), with teaching teams sharing their experiences from their second expansion phase. They have embarked on a commitment to a very diverse and receptive community, and are already seeing exciting results.

One team met with a gentleman who declared his belief in Bahá’u’lláh today. He has a wife and two children who weren’t at home, so he wants the Bahá’ís to return soon and share the Message with his family.

Wow! Another team met with a family, and the mother and 3 children enrolled in the Faith. Another child who was visiting wants to become a Bahá’í also, but the teaching team will need to visit with his parents first.

Another team met some wonderful friends of __, who enrolled during the first expansion phase. This demonstrates how important it is for us to keep going back to this neighborhood. It will become easier and easier as we get to know more residents, and, more importantly, as they get to know us.

Everyone’s prayers and support are needed. If you wish to be on a team, call any of the coordinators and join in. You can do direct teaching, make home visits, help set up devotional gatherings in the homes of the new believers, help with children’s classes, be a silent prayer partner, etc. It’s not too late to participate!

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