Tuesday, November 24, 2009

eMembership completes the process

Here is a brief story of someone who reached out to the Bahá’ís through the public Web site www.bahai.us and was followed up with by the local friends. Once again you can see seekers’ enthusiasm for core activities and meeting Bahá’ís near them. One very important detail: His enrollment was speeded up by the Local Spiritual Assembly using the eMembership tool to complete the process.

Dear All,

__ contacted the Bahá’ís via the Web site. He is a youth in an A-stage cluster. We have this excellent account of his declaration from the area teaching committee secretary:

I have been emailing back and forth with __, but we finally met up at a coffee shop this evening. He has read A LOT about the Faith online and knew about the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh, the Universal House of Justice and many of the principles of the Faith. He just wanted to meet some of the community, attend some of the local events and join a study circle. This evening he declared his belief that Bahá’u’lláh is the Manifestation of God for this age. He will be joining us for the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh celebration tomorrow at my home.

The Local Spiritual Assembly secretary completed the enrollment via eMembership.

Loving Bahá’í greetings,


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