Saturday, February 27, 2010

Every seeker is participating in a study circle

Melbourne, FL (B) is moving forward fast.  This report from an individual believer’s visit to this cluster shows the growing confidence of the friends as a result of their experiences and accomplishments.  They have been particularly successful at engaging seekers in study circles and other core activities.
I arrived and facilitated a Book 6 study circle with a new Iranian Bahá’í, who was very engaged and had countless questions and ideas.  This individual is typically quiet, but the intimate environment of a study circle undoubtedly helped them be comfortable with sharing. . . .

The next day I assisted with a newly-started children’s class in a trailer park.  12 children had signed up for the class last weekend with permission from their parents.  Assisting the class was a seeker that had been first encountered during previous direct teaching efforts—he knows all of the children personally, is studying Book 1, attends devotional gatherings and offers free Spanish lessons after the devotional.  All of this has developed in little over a month.  The children’s class teacher said her experience at visiting the Atlanta training site moved her to start this class.
Later I facilitated a Book 4 study circle with seekers that I had met a couple of months ago, as well as a new seeker who recently joined the study circle.  She brings incredible spiritual depth to this already amazing group.  She speaks as if she is already a Bahá’í, and is fascinated by Bahá’u’lláh’s life, approaching it with great respect.
I then met with the core team and had a rich consultation.  They shared their experiences from the Atlanta training site and all had learned a great deal.  As a result, one of them recently completed Ruhi Book 5 and is now considering becoming an animator.  The group is looking towards the launching of the cluster’s intensive program of growth in a few weeks with excitement; they are confident and feel the success from their efforts so far.
More than anything, the friends have nurtured seekers well.  After the cluster development officer visited last fall and modeled how to invite seekers into study circles, these folks followed her lead.  Now, every seeker is participating in a study circle.  The Auxiliary Board member has visited weekly for several months, leading the group in direct teaching each time.  This has moved many folks beyond their comfort zone, and the many acts of teaching have clearly brought many blessings to this cluster.

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