Friday, May 28, 2010

Alone in their town, but not alone

Here is the story of an online declaration, shared by one of the regional seeker response coordinators.  What is exciting to see is that this new believer is starting out her journey as a protagonist, not thinking of newness to the Cause or aloneness (the first believer in her town), but acting with confidence right away.
Glad tidings that __ declared online!
Her son, who is in high school, brought home a book about the Faith for a research paper.  She also read it, and thought to herself, this makes sense, I really like this.  She read more and declared online a few days later. . . .

An impromptu teaching team of a believer in a nearby town (and myself over the phone) carried out the affirmation.  This was also a way for __ to meet the Bahá’í nearest to her.
__ asked about Bahá’í books and is eager to read more, and the local believer invited her to an upcoming fireside.
__ is NOT unsettled by the fact that there are no other Bahá’ís in her own town, but said that she could be the start of something there!  She finds the idea of holding a devotional gathering in her home appealing, and M and I are following up about this so she can be in the field of action right away.

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