Sunday, May 30, 2010

They are fearless and they keep trying

Here is a story of an individual who reached out to the Bahá’ís through the Seeker Response System and who declared after a home visit.  The dedication of the local friends, and the systematic follow-up by the cluster’s area teaching committee, has resulted in several declarations and successful consolidation.
Hi again,
I was looking over records and noticed 2 declarations via home visits in this one cluster in just a couple of weeks.  One of the Area Teaching Committee members had entered these notes into the system:
H & I went to __’s home (she can not receive mail there) despite snow in the air and a limited amount on the ground and being almost 2 hours away.  We found her at home.  She said the reason she contacted the Bahá’í community was for her son who was searching, as well as for her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. . . .

We engaged her in a conversation like Anna, at twice during the conversation __ said she believed in Bahá’u’lláh.  She wanted to know if there were Bahá’ís near her.  We said not many but we could start a study circle in her home and we would return with two weeks.  She said she would also like for us to come when her son visits here in a couple of months.  We left her with a copy of the prayer book and encouraged her to say the obligatory prayer each day.
Both __ and H have similar backgrounds and histories, and they really hit it off!
Lines of Action:  Return in 2 weeks to start study circle at her home.  Contact local Bahá’í EL for assistance.  Share the Faith with her son when he visits.
The new believer had filled out a declaration card; however the teaching team has request that we enroll her online, so we have done so.
Given the size of this cluster and the relative isolation of most of the Bahá’ís, it’s a miracle we can ever establish any consistent accompaniment at all.  But this Area Teaching Committee is fearless and they keep trying.

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