Tuesday, July 15, 2014

At age 15, she is the first in her family to become a Baha'i

The community is overjoyed to share about the declaration of Ginny, a youth who learned about the Faith on her own, and after studying on her own, became the first in her family to become a member of the Baha'i Faith.  Here is her story, as shared by those who connected with her. 

Ginny learned about the Faith while watching a Baha'i presentation on YouTube.  She was attracted by the teachings of oneness and peace.  She investigated on line and learned that she had to be 15 before registering her declaration, so on her 15th birthday she did.  Her parents, both college professors, are not members, but approve of her decision.  She had already learned a great deal about the Faith on line so at the end of our conversation, when we talked about the importance of daily prayer, she volunteered that she was already planning for Fast!   

Ginny has been attending devotional gatherings regularly and other community events, and is in a study circle on Reflections on the Light of the Spirit, with other youths and junior youths in her community. Her parents have also attended some Baha'i activities including a fireside.  

P.S. I forgot to mention to you that as part of her study, Ginny made a presentation at the community Feast!


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