Monday, September 22, 2014

The Baha'i Faith "is so nourishing, and I cannot get enough of it"

Recently, Keith contacted by Baha'is having visited a website about the Baha'i Faith.  Here is how Keith described his journey thus far.
I have been a spiritual wonderer for over three decades and haven't found a spiritual home, but if I ever did have a permanent spiritual home, it is with Baha'i.  I've been investigating and learning for a little over 2 weeks.  It is so nourishing, and I cannot get enough of it.
Upon receiving communication from two Baha’is, Keith shared what he enjoyed about the explanation of the core tenets of the Baha'i Faith, which were shared concisely and clearly.
I bet I'm not the only one who has ever said this but -- the Baha'i faith appears very common-sensical.  What I mean by that is for people who have belonged to other faiths or religions; [they] are used to an incredibly complex and difficult set of principles and tenets that are sometimes fuzzy, unclear, and just plain odd.  
To each principle, Keith shared his own thoughts . . .
In having studied many different religions, I can't say that I've ever come across principles like the ones in the Baha'i faith:  personal investigation [of truth] (this is typically frowned upon in other religions), oneness (unfortunately, this is never the case with religions that shun or damn others), unity of science and religion (who would ever think that these subjects could intertwine?), equality of women (this is simply unheard of), [and] universal education (I don't know if I have ever encountered education being a goal of a religion/faith).  If the world was filled with Baha'is, or friends of Baha'is, it would be a much safer, happier, and educated world in which to live.
I cannot find one principle that is listed in those 9 that I disagree with or have issues with.  They are all beautiful and they all resonate with me as true.  
Thank you both so much for going out of your way to correspond with me and make me feel 'at home.
Keith is now connected with some Baha'is who live near him and shared this comment in an email, “Even though things have been very busy, I never forget to think about my new home in the Baha'i faith”.


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