Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I cannot overstate the degree to which this Faith has chamged my life

Anthony shared . . .
“One year ago today I took a blind step into the world of the Bahá’í Faith, this after becoming acquainted with it through a series of very brief evening broadcast spots on National Public Radio and having spent several months investigating it further online….Prior to the call back I received from a representative about 24 hours later, I had not met a single Bahá’í . . .
I was attracted to its explicit commitment to the unification of humanity, and its core principles of religious and scientific harmony, eradication of prejudice, equality of men and women, and proposal for a universal education, among others. I cannot overstate the degree to which this Faith has changed my life. I believe I have grown more in the short space of a year than in the past 5 years. From coasting through life depressed, isolated, and disenchanted, I had quickly emerged into an active member of my community and have cemented many strong friendships.
I have now made it a priority of mine to help guide the youth in my community along their own path of spiritual empowerment and enlightenment, as this is where we will begin to bear witness to the fruits of incipient change. I am overflowing with thankfulness and am duly humbled by the sheer level of enthusiasm and rapidity with which I have been accepted into the Baha’i family. I truly do feel like I have 'come back home'. Serving, fellowshipping, and worshipping among my brothers and sisters has endued me with a renewed sense of purpose and belonging. I heartily await what the future holds for me.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great story! I welcome you. Thanks for being so involved.