Saturday, March 29, 2008

NE: 3 clusters provide agile response to 1-800-22UNITE seeker

Experience has shown that time is of the essence when a seeker calls 1-800-22UNITE for follow up. The following story shows how an agile response from the cluster agencies makes meeting seeker needs timely. These 3 Clusters illustrate how they coordinate to form a quick response to seeker requests:

A seeker living on the border of the Bergen/Passaic NJ (*C) and Newburgh NY (B) clusters recently requested information about Baha'i contacts and activities in both areas. Within a few hours of the Regional Specialist sending a request for a calendar of events and local contacts, coordinated information was received from Teaneck and Newburgh along with several announcements of special events from New York City NY (A) cluster that would be of particular interest to this seeker. These were then relayed by the Regional Specialist to the seeker who is eager to attend the events.

~NE Regional Seeker Response Specialist

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