Wednesday, November 14, 2007

LSA: “We have never seen such vitality”

The Local Assembly of Brookfield WS (B) share the excitement they are experience in advancing the teaching work in their locality. Two of the Assembly members are serving as facilitators of the on-going study circles described below.

We are happy to report that our seekers in Ruhí Book Four are well versed about the Faith and actively teaching and supporting the faith. We feel and hope that they will soon sign their declaration card! Our non-Bahá'í friends participants in Ruhí Book One, have also shown great interest in learning about the Faith and have asked their facilitator to increase the number of meetings from once a month to twice a month!

Ruhí courses have been indeed a great source of achievements for our small community. Our community has always been involved with teaching the Faith, but we have never seen such a response and vitality before. Because of Ruhí courses, we became much closer with each other and are able to include non-Bahá'í family members and friends in our midst easier and without a perceived formality.

We have decided to sponsor an inter-institutional meeting with all the four existing Local Assemblies in our cluster to share with them our vision for the process of the advancement of entry by troops, while at the same time, we hear their thoughts and visions. We hope by this meeting, we are able to assess our cluster’s strength, define better our needs, and enhance a fresh wave of collaborations between the Assemblies.”

~Local Assembly of Brookfield, WS

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