Friday, July 18, 2008

Resource persons accompany teachers to victory

Progress is made through learning, through the generation and sharing of knowledge. In the context of the Five Year Plan, clusters in which there has been a high level of enrolments can share their experiences with other clusters to help them advance. One approach that has been particularly successful is for a resource person from a cluster that has seen recent significant growth to accompany the friends in other clusters in a direct teaching effort. Last month at Bosch Bahá’í School in California, one such resource person came from Arizona to lead a session for the friends to share insights and help build their capacity to teach the Faith. 52 people attended this event. A staff from the school reports:

The session demonstrated the remarkable power of developing an “outward-looking orientation.” The resource person led the participants in a training of Anna’s presentation, as well as a special workshop for those Friends who could convey the presentation in Spanish. In a true testament to learning through action, the resource person then led the participants on a direct-teaching campaign throughout Santa Cruz County. The results were greater than anyone could have imagined, particularly among some Hispanic communities, in which 12 people declared during this one afternoon of teaching.

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