Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lending support to neighboring cluster

Accompaniment and support helps the friends to gain confidence to serve the Faith. In some places advanced clusters are reaching out and lending their support to neighboring clusters that are at an earlier stage of growth. Here, a believer from Boston, MA (A) is encouraging the friends to assist with the emerging teaching efforts in neighboring Rhode Island (B):

Dear Friends,

Allah-u-Abha! The past six weeks in the Boston area have been exciting with many Friends developing capacities for direct teaching.

One other way we can help is seeing ourselves as resources for clusters around us that are taking early steps toward what has begun to happen with vigor here in Boston. The friends in Rhode Island have recently met 3 people who declared their belief in Bahá’u’lláh, after visiting just a few homes. In response to such a confirmation, the Local Spiritual Assembly is sponsoring its first-cluster wide teaching day this Saturday.

If you have some experience and are free to assist these friends, please do go and participate. And if you can't go, please offer a prayer on their behalf.


Your Auxiliary Board member

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