Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Progress in Arizona is easy as A, B, C

Here is something you don’t see every day—but will probably see more and more of as a result of the Regional Bahá’í Conferences: An A, B and C cluster in Arizona have come together to learn from each other and help each other’s efforts. In many parts of the country, this type of cross-cluster collaboration can help all involved move forward together.

In the case of Arizona, the A-stage cluster is Phoenix, which has an established intensive program of growth. The B-stage cluster is West Valley, which has the goal of advancing to A-stage by Ridvan 2009. At the Regional Bahá’í Conference in Los Angeles, the friends in Phoenix decided to “adopt” West Valley and support its efforts to reach the A-stage. The C-stage cluster is Cochise County, a long 4-hour drive away.

Recently believers from all 3 clusters came together at the Phoenix Bahá’í Center for a follow-up gathering to the regional conference. Some friends from Cochise County had travelled to Phoenix to learn about neighborhood children’s classes. They plunged into all the activities and spent the morning in Phoenix participating in the collective teaching effort there, and then in the afternoon assisted with the neighborhood children’s classes in West Valley.

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