Thursday, February 5, 2009

The teaching spreads to every part of the cluster

This update from Savannah, GA (A) has some exciting news: The teaching and core activities are now starting to spread to more and more parts of the cluster.—now more things happening in more areas of the cluster. The institute process is taking off, the Bahá’ís are reaching out to their friends and neighbors, new believers are being welcomed into the Faith, and existing bonds of unity are being strengthened. Finally, there is a great example of a “within-cluster” homefront pioneer. Everyone, wherever they are living, is helping Savannah move forward!

Hello friends:

The last couple of weeks have given us various opportunities to incorporate more fully the efforts of every friend in EACH location in our Savannah Area Cluster. The friends in Statesboro had a wonderful, diverse entry in the Martin Luther King, Jr. parade, supported by friends and youth from Savannah, as well as their own contacts in Statesboro. The friends there have just finished Book 4 and will be starting Book 5 next month! They want to take Book 5 so they can start a junior youth group in Statesboro with some of their friends from the parade. They have also recently begun a Book 1 with 5 or 6 participants from the wider community. . . .

In the Chatham County part of the cluster, the friends visited neighborhood where a Bahá’í family lives and invited children who live there to a new children's class. 5 neighborhood children and one set of parents along with 6 of the Bahá’í children participated. Everyone had a great time, and the children are anxious to invite their friends! As we expand our teaching beyond the area near the Bahá’í Center in Savannah, this neighborhood has been chosen by the area teaching committee as one place where a collective teaching effort will continue along with the monthly children's classes.

Last week two youth brought a 14 year old junior youth by my house because "he wanted to be one of us". After some discussion among all of us, he decided to enroll. Please say prayers for him and his family. Tonight he and one other of the young friends came by my house to hang out. We watched a little bit of the super bowl and they talked about how they wanted to catch up with the others in their youth classes starting this week.

We also have a 19 year old native Savannah youth who has started her year of service as a home front pioneer right here in Savannah. Her action adds greatly to our ability to work with the many youth and junior youth who have become believers. We are growing in size and capacity to systematically continue to grow. There is so much more to say but I will stop now.

Keep us in your prayers please



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