Friday, August 21, 2009

A new approach to accompaniment

Here is an exciting preview of recent news from Aurora, IL (A), and the insights the friends are gaining about maintaining momentum across successive cycles of their intensive program of growth:

We tried a form of accompaniment. Small group facilitators at the reflection meeting followed up during the expansion and consolidation with the people in their groups. One of the facilitators did an excellent job with follow-up and encouragement via email. The next cycle will continue this focus on accompaniment, and we are hoping to encourage more believers to participate actively and thus expand the circle of believers who are actively engaged in the process.

We are still learning about maintaining the momentum that is generated during and immediately following the reflection gathering and launch of the expansion phase. We are seeing that the consolidation phase, though certainly not as intense as the expansion phase, still calls for a level or activity that tests the resolve of the friends. We are looking for ways to help active believers maintain their activity throughout the upcoming cycle.

More to follow soon!

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