Tuesday, September 1, 2009

POP QUIZ: How many . . .

That’s right: We’re giving all of you a pop quiz. And the topic is . . . Children’s Classes! Here’s the question: Based on your cluster’s experience, how many individuals does it take to TRULY sustain a neighborhood children’s class?

Please reply by commenting on this article or emailing us directly at teaching@bahai.us. We’d be grateful if you would include the name of your cluster, but if you want to remain anonymous, that’s fine too.


LorenzoBWC said...

I think the "rule" is 1 teacher per 7-8 children. Here in College Station, Texas(B) we're going to start one up real soon!

Jenny said...

We have tried to sustain one with only three people. It's been really hard work. Not only do these people need to plan and run the actual class, they also need to publicise it, do home visits with the parents, liaise with the local community, etc. Plus it is a big commitment to do a class regularly - and the fewer people you have, the bigger the commitment for each one.

Irrespective of the number of kids, I would say no fewer than 3, but more would be better.

Anonymous said...

In the Greensboro community, we have two teachers for six children ranging from ages 5 to 10. We also use teachers assistants since they accompany the teachers but don't feel totally confident in teaching the class. I think the goal should be to have a teacher for the younger students and one for the older students. My experience shows the children ages 9 and 10 are more advanced in memorizing and reading. The younger children need more attention especially with hands-on activities. It is really hard work and we must use our creative genius, love for the children, and connecting with the parents to make it work.