Monday, September 27, 2010

"Share this precious gift with others"

A Bahá’í in Pennsylvania describes meeting with a new believer:

I am so happy to report that I was able to visit ________ at his home and have a spiritually thrilling conversation with him.  He is most certainly a committed Bahá’í, having (as he describes it) spent much of his life seeking, investigating all religions and philosophies....  Upon finding the Bahá’í web site and reading the Writings, he was almost immediately convinced of the truth of the Cause.  On his own, he began reading the Iqan, the Aqdas, and Gleanings, receiving strong confirmation that this was the Word of God. Learning that he should pray the obligatory prayers daily, he purchased a Bahá’í prayer book.  He shows every sign of a true Bahá’í, including conviction that he must share this precious gift with others....

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